From Sun 16th until Wed 19th February 2020 Robert Murdock was with us from Edinburgh. We asked him a few questions about his visit.
Welcome, Pastor Murdock. Is this your first visit to Lisburn?
No, this is not my first visit to Lisburn. I was the pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church on the Glenavy Road in Lisburn for just over eleven years. We first moved to Lisburn in 1996 until we left for Canada in 2008.
Both my wife and I enjoyed living in Lisburn very much and in many ways still consider it home.
What is your job in Edinburgh?
I currently serve as the Principal of the Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh. That involves all kinds of things like ensuring the Faith Mission Board is satisfied that we are fulfilling our purpose in training people for gospel work, facilitating the staff as they work together encouragingly and productively, lecturing mostly on the New Testament and Ethics and representing the College across the UK and Ireland as I preach at various Church services and Conferences.
This short series of “Ministry Meetings” is intended to challenge God’s people from the Bible. Which Bible passages will you be concentrating on?
My plan is to speak on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.
Have you an overall theme for the series?
If I were to sum this series up I would call it “Living as a Church at the Crossroads of the World.” Corinth was a busy city and the Christians who lived there faced the same things that we face, only in different clothing.
Why have you chosen this particular theme?
Having given the elders some suggested option on what I might speak on they opted for 1 Corinthians. I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak on the contents of this letter because it is one of my favourites in the New Testament. I think the message of the Corinthian Correspondence should be considered by every Church in every city that wants to be the kind of worshipping community that God wants them to be.
Thank you! We are looking forward to your visit.
- YOUR INVITATION! Welcome to this special series with Robert Murdock from Edinburgh commencing on Sunday 16th February in Lisburn Baptist Church. (Car Park off Tonagh Avenue)
SUNDAY 16th Feb @ 11.30am & 6.30pm MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, 17th 18th & 19th Feb @ 8pm
DID YOU MISS HIS MESSAGES? Catch up now at: Series Audio