
Our Mission

A church is not a building that people go to or an activity that you engage in, a church is a local expression of the worldwide people of God, ransomed from their slavery to sin by the precious blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Therefore Lisburn Baptist Church exists to worship God and give Him glory in every area of our lives, a worship most fully expressed when we gather together as a congregation. We gather to sing, pray, read, preach and visualise God’s Word as we seek to glorify God and grow in our knowledge of Him. When we are not gathering we scatter to serve as we take the Good News of Jesus Christ, our world’s only hope to those lost in their sin. We tell of a Saviour who died on a cross in our place for our sin and who rose from the dead to defeat death and Hell. We call men and women, boys and girls to repent (turn away) from their sin and trust in Jesus to save them from judgement and transform their lives so they live for Him. Our task as a Church is to make disciples, to see them obey the command of Jesus to be baptised as believers by immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and see them join a local church where they can grow, serve, care and be cared for by a loving community of God’s people until Christ returns or calls us home.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2